8 Heart Healthy Herbs And Spices You Must Have

Owing to our fast paced lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits,and lack of physical activity, our heart is at risk of stress and ailments. And while we must focus on staying active and eating more vegetables, and fruits and nuts for a healthy heart, some very simple everyday herbs and spices can prove to be delicious and incredibly helpful for the heart.

Here are some herbs and spices from your kitchen that are excellent for heart health:

1 . Garlic

A spice that tops the list when it comes to heart-healthy herbs is also a staple of Indian Cuisine. Garlic is said to boost cardiovascular health to a great extent by lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood. Garlic contains allicin which helps lower blood pressure and prevents thickening of the arteries. To get the best benefits, have 1-2 pods of raw garlic.

2 . Ginger

Known for its blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory properties, Ginger has proved to be beneficial in lowering the level of cholesterol and reducing blood clots. This is especially good for people who have serious heart issues like clogging of blood vessels which may lead to a heart attack in future. Add ginger to your tea, soups or to your cooking and reap the benefits that it has to offer.

3 . Cinnamon

Cinnamon helps to lower blood sugar levels and is packed with antioxidants. It is regarded as one of the  top healing herbs and spices for increasing antioxidant levels in the blood which in turn promotes heart health. Sprinkle a pinch of powdered cinnamon on your breakfast cereals or add it to your tea or curd. You can also add a small piece of the whole bark to your cooking for that aroma and added taste.

4 . Coriander

Used as a flavoring element in many Indian curries, this healthy herb contains beta-carotene. Studies show that beta carotene helps reduce the effect of free radicals, making it a great supplement to prevent cardio vascular diseases. You can add it to your chutneys, salad dressings or for garnishing the dishes.

5 . Turmeric

This is another great herb which primarily used during cooking for its distinctive color. Turmeric contains curcumin which has a lot of healing potential. This compound is also effective in enhancing cardiovascular health due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.Have half a teaspoon of turmeric with a glass of milk daily for best results.

6 . Onion

Onion and garlic are from the same family of allium vegetables. So the benefits they bring to you after consumption are similar. Onion can remove all the unwanted fats in your body, prevent clot formation and reduce the blood pressure. The raw onion is believed to have more benefits than the cooked one.Have raw onions as salads or use them for garnishing your dishes.

7 . Lavender

The oil extracted from lavender is very effective in strengthening the heart’s cardiac muscles, which in turn improves contraction and relaxation of the heart’s arteries and ventricles. Lavender, which is also famous for its sedative properties, helps reduce palpitations and hypertension. Spray a puff of lavender oil on your pillow at bedtime and enjoy a relaxing deep sleep.

8 . Oregano

Mainly used for its aromatic properties, oregano can help a great deal in lowering cholesterol and is also a store-house of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants reduce the free radicals in the body thereby helping to fight inflammation and protect the heart against bad cholesterol. You can add oregano to your omelette, sandwiches, or sprinkle it over pasta and pizza.

Adding these herbs in the right quantities will go a long way in protecting your heart from ailments. These powerful herbs will help you to increase your immunity, protect against cancer, free the body of inflammation causing free radicals and help you lead a healthy life.Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!


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