Akhand Bhaarat: India-Pakistan utopian unification possible?

            There is total ignorance in so many educated Hindus who are basically ignorant about the partition of Bhaarat and are sold to the ideology of traitors like Gandhi-Nehru

Bangladesh breaking itself free from the shackles of Pakistan is evident of the fact that Muhammad Ali Jinnah's two-nation theory was dubious.

            Akhand Bharat, or the greater India, is a vision which aims to 'reunite' a major-bloc of sub-continental nations stretching from Banglades h to Afghanistan. The original idea of 'Akhand Bharat', as articulated by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), was to implement the 'one-nation' theory. Relying on pre-medieval historical facts, right-wing ideologues argue that the areas ranging from Tajikistan in the North-Western frontiers to Java in South-East Asia, there is an undeniable sharing of culture, ethnicity and race.
The dwellers in the region were stitched together in a loose manner by the polytheistic religion Sanatan Dharma, which included Brahmanism, Taoism and Buddhism. However, in the turns of century, the cultural, ethnic oneness were taken over by arrival of sufistic and evangelical groups, apart from Islamist invaders and Christian colonizers who inserted diversity in the land. (ALSO READ: Diplomacy Narendra Modi style: Stitching a new era from where Atal Bihari Vajpayee left off)
Currently, the ultranationalist fantasizers are not opining the unification of Java to Tajikistan with mainland India. The idea pitched forward is to nullify the demarcation of Pakistan and Bangladesh (East Bengal), which happened under unfortunate circumstances during the attainment of Independence from British rule.
Pakistan, which was only cut-off from India to create a Muslim dominated state, has way more cultural links with the Aryan-dominated North India than the southern Indian states which are barely able to connect themselves with New Delhi. The language, cuisine, culture, dressing, lifestyle, etc are extremely identical with that prevailing in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
Similarly, it won't be a blasphemous statement to describe Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) as an extension of the Indian-administered West Bengal. The revolutionary struggle led by Mujibur-Rehman in 1971, breaking away from the shackles of Islamabad, prove that Bangla as a language proved to be more powerful than Islam as a religion for the dwellers of erstwhile East Pakistan. The 1971 freedom of Dhaka is a striking evidence of the fact that Muhammad Ali Jinnah's two nation theory was dubious and enforced upon people without the rightful consent.
However, 69 years after the horrific episode of partition, the newly formed nations – Pakistan and its breakaway state Bangladesh have developed their own identity. Similar to any independent nation, they would not like to submit their sovereignty, especially to a Hindu-dominated India. One could see the repercussions faced by India trying to play the 'big brother' role in the Madhesi confrontation with the secular government of Nepal.
The road forward should be the rightful sweetening of relations between India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already raised the hopes of millions of peace-lovers in the region by fulfilling the vision of Manmohan Singh by stopping for 'tea in Kabul', 'lunch in Lahore' and 'dinner in Delhi'.
The practical Akhand Bharat would be the creation of conglomerate of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan similar to the European Union or the erstwhile Soviet Union. Not only will it fill-in the wounds of the regretful bifurcations of land during the course of history, but the amount of resources the group of nations could pool in would ensure that shared social and economic concerns are rightly addressed.
Turning this conglomeration into a powerbloc on the lines of the European Union, requires soft diplomacy, the kind of which is exhibited by Narendra Modi lately. The hardline version of RSS demeaning the sovereignty of Pakistan and Bangladesh should be strictly forbidden.
December 27, 2015
At this stage, at this time, at this point in history, it (i.e., "Akhand Bharat") seems a non starter.
 India lacks committed patriots to recall Gandhi's words, "India will be cut on my dead body."
 Gandhi did not have SERIOUS followers it seems, otherwise the challenge is taken up by the coming generations. The challenge is worth taking on its own merit even if there had been NO Gandhi!
 Indians are the same even now, AS DEFINED BY NEHRU.
When someone suggested holding a referendum Nehru is said to have replied, "WHO CONSULTS THE CATTLE?"
 He accepted PARTITION and then asked all the Indians, "Celebrate your Independence"!  That's what they have been doing- year in and year out.
Rajput, Eternally for Akhand Bharat, 15 Aug 16
For Akhad Bharat, PM Modi ji and his brigade have to develop a plan of action.
If this does not happen in his time, our goal will have a great setback. 
Or golden opportunity will be lost.
On Tuesday, 16 August 2016, <RSingh305@aol.com> wrote:
Those who saw their country SHRINK in size
Reunification of India" update
From: RSingh305@aol.com; Sent: August 18, 2016;
Thank you. The definition of a Hindu may be difficult but one way of seeing who is a Hindu is to look at PARTITION.
1.  Those who saw their country SHRINK in size, faced the murderous onslaught of one particular community, clearly seen and recognised as MUSLIMS, and fled for life for safety of their families, are HINDUS.
2.  Another way of looking at the definition of "Hindu" is simpler. If your "prophet, divine guide, messiah, guru, mahatma or avataar, was born in Hindusthan, you are a Hindu or belong to an offshoot (tributary) of Hinduism.
3.  Yet another definition is this: Those who will STAND UP to defend the "dharti" but not cut it up or run away from its defence, can be called Hindus.
Others on this Patriots' List, may have better ideas.
  Rajput, 18 Aug 16
Before 1947 we all lived together.
The land occupied by Pakistan belongs to India. Division of India on religious lines is unacceptable. Kashmir today is a problem because of creation of Pakistan. Why should India give up its land?
Today is India, next would be Belgium and other countries of Europe.
The rise of Donald Trump is a glaring example. He does not want more Muslims coming to USA. He wants to have survelance of Mosques, etc.
He is very serious about it.
Therefore, blunder India made in 1947 needs to be corrected.
Secondly, Muslim population in India is the second largest in the world.
So, the creation of Pakistan did not solve the Muslims on one side and Hindus in India.
It is not realistic to send Muslims to Pakistan.
So, Akhand Bhaatat is the real solution for all the religions based problems.
It will stop atrocities in Kashmir and save trillions of rupees being spent. possibly
it will be helpful in stopping terrorism.
Before 1947 we all lived together. Why not again.
In a message dated 8/17/2016, verma105@hotmail.com writes:
 Firstly, the unity of India was destroyed by selfish crooks and traitors, but not on the basis of merit or logic. Hence it is easy to dismantle their ugly structure. Unity is a positive concept and division negative. Hence VICTORY belongs to the positive.
Secondly, "what exactly meant by 'Akhand Bharat'?
The answer: "It is exactly as it was before Partition. India was known as "Akhand Bharat" until the black day of Partition when it drastically SHRANK in size beyond recognition. Our Akhand Bharat will be the same in which "BAPU" Gandhi, and President Mukherjee were born, which poet Mohammed Iqbal praised sky high. It had KHYBER PASS and CHITTAGONG in it. Till then we were ONE people and we can easily persuade the Muslims in Bharat today to CONFIRM that we are still with us as ONE people in South Asia irrespective of the bogus lines drawn by Cyril Radcliffe of Britain. Among other ties are the places of worship across the borders, e.g., Grand mosques in Ajmer and Nizamuddin, Bhagat Prahlad and Kailash temples and Sri Nankana Sahib. There will be no border checks and visa requirement after Unity.
Political fortunes depend on POWER RATIO. In 1947 Muslim: Hindu ratio was 10:1, In the last 70 years the dishonest and treacherous governments made sure that the ratio does not improve in favour of the Hindus. If Zakir Naik can convert a Hindu doctor in front of world media today and the Hindus fear to return to Srinagar then the ratio may well have DETERIORATED to 100:1.
The decline has been halted now because of the new BJP government. How the Muslims behave in the future will depend on this POWER ratio. We should aim at 1:1 that is parity, or even better if we wish  to persuade them to look at the Hindus and Akhand Bharat with respect.
"Does it include Baluchistan and Afghanistan?" The answer is: "YES, just like Bihar, Karnataka and Kerala!"
Finally, "how you propose to attain it?" This is the easiest question to answer. It does not require complicated physics faced by those who flew on to the Moon in 1969. To DISMANTLE a bicycle one needs a spanner and a screw driver. To ASSEMBLE it again one needs a spanner and a screw driver.
So let us ask, "What was the spanner and the screw driver used to dismantle the Cycle called "Akhand Bharat"?
One was the POWER of the British Viceroy and the CHARISMA of JL Nehru. They could treat (drive) the people as the cattle.
To UNITE the three fragments now we need two tools. One is CONSTITUTION and the other is MEDIA. If properly framed and used these two are FORMIDABLE tools to reunite India. We can see Akhand Bharat recreated within FIVE years.
              The goal is in sight. No need to despair. Ignore the "jackals" whose AUTOMATIC INSTINCTIVE reaction to any new idea is, "YIH KAISE HO SAKTA HAI?" ("How is it possible?") Those who are INSPIRED by the thought of Sri Krishna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra will say only ONE small sentence: "YIH HO SAKTA HAI!" ("IT IS POSSIBLE!")
           Here are two persons to think of besides Sri Krishna (mentioned above) and Guru Gobind Singhji who made "lions" out of "jackals". First Isaac Newton who said, "Every action has equal and opposite reaction." In the light of this we should NOT tolerate the "action" called Partition because its reaction (still building itself up) will destroy both India and Pakistan one day.
         The second person was Archimedes, an ancient Greek physicist, who said, "Give me a lever long enough and I shall move the world."
           Thus we have both SHAKTI and KNOWLEDGE to "persuade & move" the separatist intolerant ignorant "jahils" in the desired direction. Is that task difficult? Is that challenge insurmountable? Is the native inferior to the foreigner? Is the idea of Akhand Bharat futile or dangerous? What is good for the PROSPERITY of the three different artificial countries? Unity or Division? Is the aspiration of unity noble, patriotic and wise, or otherwise? What is better for the coming generations in perpetuity? Peace or War?
Posted: On Wednesday, 17 August 2016, Rajput, <RSingh305@aol.com> :
"'Pramod Agrawal' via Patriots Forum" <patriotsspeak@googlegroups.com> wrote:
On 27 May 2016,
चैटिगँ छोडकर इस पोस्ट को जरूर पढेँ वर्ना सारी जिन्दगी चैट ही करते रह जाओग...

मेँ भारत से एक हिस्सा अलग हुआ, इस्लामिक राष्ट्र बना - नाम है इरान.
मेँ भारत से एक हिस्सा अलग हुआ, इस्लाfमिक राष्ट्र बना - नाम है अफगानिस्तान.
मेँ भारत से एक हिस्सा अलग हुआ, इस्लामिक राष्ट्र बना - नाम है पाकिस्तान.
मेँ भारत से एक हिस्सा अलग हुआ, इस्लामिक राष्ट्र बना - नाम हैँ बांग्लादेश.
से 1990 के बीच भारत का एक राज्य इस्लामिक हो गया - नाम है कशमीर...
और अब उत्तरप्रदेश, आसाम और केरला इस्लामिक राज्य बनने की कगार पर है !और हम जब भी हिँदुओँ को जगाने की बात करते हैँ, सच्चाई बताते हैँ तो कुछ लोग हमेँ RSS, VHP और SHIV-SENA, BJP वाला कहकर पल्ला झाङ लेते हैँ !

मिनट चैटिगँ छोडकर इस पोस्ट को जरूर.पढेँ भारत में मुसलमान कौन है
मैसेज का आखिरी हिस्सा ज़रूर पढें तभी पूरा मतलब समझ आयेगा

����धर्म के नाम पर भारत के टुकड़े किये जिसने -वों जिन्नाह मुसलमान था |
����करोडो हिंदुओ का खून बहाया जिसने -वों हर सुल्तान मुसलमान था ||
����हिंदुओ से जबरन इस्लाम कबुल करवाया जिसने -वों अरब मुसलमान था |
����राम मंदिर तोड़कर मस्जिद बनायीं जिसने -वों बाबर मुसलमान था ||
����गुरु तेग बहादुर का सर कलम किया जिसने-वों औरंगजेब मुसलमान था |
����कश्मीर में पंडितो का नरसंहार किया जिसने -वों हर आतंकी मुसलमान था ||
����मुंबई में बम धमाके करवाए जिसने -वों दाउद मुसलमान था |
����भारत में घुसे 5 करोड जाहिलो में -हर बांग्लादेशी मुसलमान था ||
����बुद्ध महावीर कि मुर्तिया तोड़ी जिसने -वों हर दंगाई मुसलमान था |
����भारत के संसद पर हमला किया जिसने-वों अफजल मुसलमान था ||
����गोधरा में कारसेवको कों जिन्दा जलाया जिसने -वों हर जेहादी मुसलमान था |
����पाकिस्तान, असम से हिंदुओ को खदेड़ा जिसने -वों हर शख्स मुसलमान था ||
����26/11 कों हिंदुओ कों गोलियों से भुना जिसने -वों कसाब मुसलमान था |
����अमरनाथ यात्रा पर पाबंदी कि मांग कि है जिसने -वों गिलानी मुसलमान था ||
����अमरनाथ यात्रियों पे जजिया लगाया है जिसने -वों मंत्री मुसलमान था |
����100 करोड हिंदुओ कों काटने कि कसम खायी है जिसने वों ओवैसी भी मुसलमान हे ||
इसमें आगे की पंक्तिया .......................
��जो गाय काट के खाता हैं -वो हर शख्स मुस्लमान हैं |
��वो वन्देमातरम नहीं गाता -वो हर शक्श मुस्लमान हैं ||
��कश्मीर में भारत मुर्दाबाद बोलता हैं -वो शक्श मुस्लमान हैं |
��हैदराबाद में तिरंगा जलाने वाला -हर शक्श मुस्लमान हैं ||
��जो लव जिहाद करता हैं -वो हर शक्श मुस्लमान हैं |

प्राचीन काल में समस्त विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति ही थी------- प्राचीन भारत ------

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