Guru Wonder Mastehead 01J -Plain
If you want proof that its a crazy world, take a close look at the 2016 election campaign for the post of American president.
When America sneezes, the world catches pneumonia. So not only Americans but the whole world has a stake in these elections.
America did not become a superpower by Americans being stupid. They are a great people and nation, so what explains this seemingly odd behaviour.

Americans believe that America is ' Gods Country' and they are the chosen people, to change and lead the world. A belief retreated by several American presidents such as John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan etc.
The origins of this belief lie in the Bible, where Jesus refers to "A city upon a hill". Introduced into American culture colonial history in 1630, with the sermon of puritan John Winthrop aboard the pilgrim ship 'Arbella'.
Statue of LIberty - nkm
The rise of America has been phenomenal. Never before had a society ever seen such material wealth, comfort and power, particularly in the 20th century.
This was all the result of the America's natural resources and continuously expanding pool of human ingenuity and drive. This reinforced the image amongst Americans that they were the 'Chosen people'.
America has always pushed for 'The American way of life'. This is defined by several things including democracy, and freedom, free speech, free trade, open borders, globalisation, etc. in an attempt to make American thought and action universal, something that America would make the world follow in its footsteps and image.
American industrialisation supported by its capitalistic approach trumped all other economies and changed cultures dramatically, it then went global.
In America itself, vast number of people that formerly worked on the farm in 19th century moved from rural America to urban and suburban America during the 20th century, to work in the factories and offices. With the rising tide of wealth of America grew also the wealth of American workers.
An American middle class family had a standard of living much higher than the wealthy people of many countries. American leaders stuck to the same model that gave them this astounding success.
For reasons too long to explain in this article, slowly and steadily America lost its traditional lead and then much of its basic manufacturing capacity to countries like China etc advanced manufacturing to countries like Germany, Korea, Japan etc. A lot of its research and services to countries like Germany, Korea, India etc.
'Reganomics' and similar policies marginalised most Americans and concentrated all power and wealth and influence in the hands of a few people who control 60% of the wealth, all the major businesses, the media, all the major financial institutions and banks. This group also control the government, the politicians, by virtue of lobbying, the US senate and Congress. The entire military - industry complex has been in the hands of this select group. They are global, driven by profit and not by American nationalism and therefore they look at the whole world as their play ground.
Now the biggest drivers of American growth is Financial services, Armaments, Space technology, pharmaceuticals etc. All which require relatively very few employees.
Couple the desperate desire to cast the world into the American mould, and enormous power within the hands of a few people, America had embarked on a long and arduous journey to change everything by all means even if that meant long and expensive wars. This and many other reasons has drained much of the vigour out of American economy and its citizens.
For many proud American workers who have lost their jobs and find themselves unready and unsuitable for the new jobs, they stare at a dead end.
For most Americans the 'American dream' is increasingly an 'American Nightmare'. Right now they are a very frustrated and angry people and rightly so. They want change and they want it now, they want to simply rid themselves of all the things and people that they believe are the cause of their problems.
Trump talking out  - Cagle
Nothing unites people more and spurs them into action than anger and hatred.
Donald Trump is a shrewd and ruthless businessman. He is tapping into this volcano of anger, promising to attack all culprits. Fix Muslims for their terrorism, immigrants for stealing American jobs, China for taking away the factories and jobs, India for their service jobs etc.
He represents a new face and thinking and a 'Rambo' style approach to issues. It is a raucous style and has great drama. Not surprisingly it seems to appeal to many.
The myth of American dream appears broken and it has to be restored after a cleansing. Trump claims he is just the man for the job.
He is looking for a revolution with him as a dictator of sorts within a democracy. He claims he will 'make America great again'.
He has many detractors and is hated and despised by many.
Hillary wants to look likable
Hillary Clinton represents a chip of the old politics and business as usual block.
She represents a typical American Politician, 'mostly do nothing brigade'.
She shows little promises to bring about real change. At best she will fiddle and tweak. This is a boring conservative approach but it appeals to the more sober American and all those who feel threatened by Trump.
Her political career has been long but lacklustre and she is not known for any outstanding achievements or voice on issues that matter most to America.
She coos and comforts the coloured, the Hispanic, the Asians, and the Muslims without really doing anything for them.
She too has many detractors and is intensely disliked by many.
This is first time in American history that many Americans will vote for the person they dislike or hate less than the opponent.
Americans have few choices, and no matter who wins, America has a tough haul ahead.
In spite of controversies, it is imperative that for a stable future, the world needs a strong and vibrant America.
Written and Posted: Oct 2016 - by Gurvinder Singh
Rajiv Malhotra
I was inspired to write this article after watching a video talk given by Shri. Rajiv Malhotra of the Infinity Foundation

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