"We live in complicated times..." Pratap Bhanu Mehta.
Mr Pratap Bhanu Mehta, the Professor, recently quit from Ashok University in Haryana. He is of the opinion that we live in the complicated times. Yes, complicated times when a Congress ruled state is protecting a criminal shamelessly. Yes, complicated times when some Indian political parties exhort voters to vote for Pakistan but not to BJP....
I fully agree with the professor. We are not only living in the complicated times, we are living in dangerous times. We are living in violent times and in times when the evil is upset and unforgiving. The status quo has been challenged and the process of muck cleaning is leaving behind a trail of suffocating stench. The mafia has been pulled out of the comfort zone....
The poor Indian, the marginalised Indian, the exploited Indian, the ill-nourished & ill-represented Indian has finally turned a leaf and taken a turn. To his surprise, he is finding his voice being heard. He finds the web of exploiters, a cohort of crooks and savages, all well entrenched, well fed and well protected feeling the heat. Yes, the status quo has been challenged and times are complicated....
The poor Indian now knows who were stealing his LPG, Kerosene and fertilizer. He knows who deprived him of the roads, hospitals and schools. He knows who imposed the shame on his women by depriving them of the toilets. He now knows how the Farm Arhtyas were looting him for the last 07 decades.
The same marginalised Indian now knows that he was deprived of his true history and the true glory of his ancestors. He also knows that Nehru-Gandhi were not the only heroes of Indian freedom struggle. He now understands the conspiracy of Nehru-Gandhi era and those who lived on the largesse. Yes, the times are complicated.....
He is no more accepting the destiny imposed upon him by Nehrus and Gandhis. He is asking questions. The status quo has therefore been disturbed; times therefore got to be turbulent. And, so unfortunately for some, we are amidst the complicated times.
All those who prospered by keeping India poor are losing their clout. The lobbies are challenged. The bogies are confronted and power centres are uprooted. The loyalties are shifting and the poor is getting centre stage. The corrupt are on the run. The free loaders are feeling the heat. The encroachers are being dislodged and the conversion brigade is retreating. The riot act has been read to China and Pakistan. Imran Khan wants talks and Ji Xinping wants more business. Justin Trudeau does not know where to hide. The racists in the west have been shown the mirror....
Well, the times are complicated; rather turbulent, may be dangerous. The winds of change are gathering momentum. The comfort zones are shrinking. New winners are emerging as India finds its place in the comity of nations.....
Cdr Neeraj Singla, veteran
+91 98180 22627: nsingla@hotmail.com
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